Thursday, 19 June 2014

The Sharing Continues! - ELA 20-1

Our second round of presentations happened yesterday and even more sharing and learning took place. Kyle brought in his brother Ben, owner of Twin City Restorations, a company specializing in water damage, fire and smoke, and asbestos and mould remediation in residential and commercial properties. Ben educated the students on the dangers of asbestos and had his brother, Kyle, suit up in his regular work attire. 

Janelle Frank had her Big Brother presentation and she managed to gain a few more viewers for the American edition which premieres June 25th! She told her classmates all about how the show works and even got Arlie, BB Canada season 2 house guest and jury member, to answer some of her burning questions. 

Other presentations included the gnarly sport of snowboarding, the "manly" and exciting game of lacrosse, and the awesomeness that is mechanical engineering. 

What a great opportunity it was for student's to investigate and research topics that they were truly passionate about or having a look into possible future careers! Have a great summer, grade 11s! I'll see you all in the fall! 

Monday, 16 June 2014

Sharing is Caring! - ELA 20-1

The 20-1 class started their presentations today for their final project. All of the topics were different in presentation style and content! It was so nice to see and hear what the 20-1 students were interested in outside of the classroom! One student brought in a Peace Officer from our county to speak about his job and what it entails. Another student spoke of how she wanted to be a Teacher in the future and how she was going to obtain that goal, including Universities she was scoping out and the prerequisites she needs to be accepted. One student presented information on the Beagle Freedom Project, a non-profit organization out of the US who saves Beagles from the cruelty of animal testing ( The big kicker was that one student presented information on quantum physics! Seriously, quantum physics in ELA class (the Higgs Field and Higgs-Boson to be exact).Great job, guys! I'm pumped to see the rest!

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Board Game Fun!

The grade 7s finally get to spend class time playing the games that they have worked so hard on preparing. It's fun to see them get excited about answering the trivia and trying to win! Each game is different, with their own set of rules. We set it up so that each group had 10 minutes to play each game and in those 10 minutes they had certain criteria to look over to guide them when analyzing and judging their peers' games. Some of the criteria included visual aspects, understanding and flow of the game, overall enjoyability, and fairness/difficulty of trivia questions. It may have gotten a little rowdy, but rowdy in the best kind of way! Good job, grade 7


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Namaste - The Grade 9s are Yogis!

Kate Sugg, a yoga instructor who resides outside of Lashburn, Saskatchewan, came to pay my grade 9s a visit and teach them all about the basics of yoga. As difficult as it was at first to get my students on board, they quickly got into the practice and showed a genuine interest. Kate, formerly a resident of Australia, has been practicing yoga since the age of 13 and is currently teaching classes in Lashburn and at Attaining Longevity in Lloydminster. Yoga is most certainly out of our regular classroom comfort zone, as we have grown accustomed to other sports such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball. It was awesome to see the students try something new. Some have even said they're interested in taking her classes outside of school. Awesome job, Kate! Thank you so much to opening my students' eyes to something fresh, calming, and different!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Who Are You? - ELA 20-1

As the school year narrows and dwindles, so does the expansive English curriculum that our ELA 20-1 class must venture through year after year. We’ve touched on Shakespeare, completed a novel study, grudged through a grammar unit, sighed through poetry, and we’ve finished a tedious essay unit, but what we haven’t done yet is something outside of the curriculum. That’s right. Outside. While we’re still touching on our writing, analyzing, research, viewing/representing ideas, comprehension, and creating aspects of our curriculum, this project will be more open-ended than the usual (but still with some guidelines). 

The students were given the task for one final ELA assignment where it was all about them, and nobody knows the inner workings of a teenager quite like the teenager themselves. There are 3 sections to this assignment; a written introduction component, a representing and depicting written component (where they must analyze a song, poem, or story and discuss how it represents them in some way), and a final component that has them researching and sharing something that they're interested in. 

There are so many different ideas and interpretations of this open-ended assignment and I am thrilled to see their final products. As for a rubric, we're working on it as a unit with guidelines being established as a class. We know that there will be content, and a conventions and grammar portion. This will be a nice way to end a very hectic and fast-paced year. 

Some students have already gone above and beyond and are seeking outside help and expertise for the last section of the assignment. One student is bringing in a Peace Officer for them to discuss their field of work as that student wishes to pursue a career in that area after high school. Another is a humungous Big Brother fan (and obviously we get along marvelously!) and she got in touch with Jon Pardy, season 2 winner of BB Canada, and he will maybe be answering some questions and hopefully (fingers crossed) will be having a "Google Hangout" date with the class! We took a class photo to send to the BB Canada alum to show how exciting it all is! I will keep you updated on their final projects, of course!
Jon Pardy: Winner of BB Canada  

This just in (06/11/14) - Arlie, BB Canada house guest and jury member, will hopefully be a part of the excitement too! Yahoo!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Independent Novel Studies - ELA 9

The ELA 9 class have completed their independent novel study assignments. Next up is their head-to-head battles to see whose novel will come out on top! Like in our short story unit, students were placed in groups and given the task to make a synopsis of a short story they read and persuade their fellow classmates to vote for their story to win. The winner received a prize of pride, an enthused pat on the back, of course, and the winning story was used in our short story unit where students were to read, analyze, and create a final project for it. The winner in that case was Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart. We then took that short story and made a unit out of it, including other works by Poe for the students to read and analyze. We came up with a unit theme of "a guilty conscience can never be overridden" and tied that class theme into all 3 stories that we read of Poe's. 

The independent novel study will be set up similar to the short story unit; in groups with a vote-out style until there is one final winner. I will keep you updated! In the meantime, check out some pictures of the final projects from the 9s. How awesome are these?!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Macbeth's Mandalas & Masks

Seeing hard work pay off never gets old! I loved seeing the 20-1s work on their final Macbeth assignments. While some showed off their artistic side with masks, others chose to create a mandala and highlight their writing abilities. Both projects allowed the students to be creative, choosing different colors and symbols to represent the characters in the play on a much deeper level. I'm going to proudly show off their assignments in my classroom and in the halls of the school. Each and every one is different with their own interpretations and thoughts. 
Some colors they chose for their mandalas or masks were red to signify revenge, black for death, and one group placed orange over Lady Macbeth's mouth to symbolize the deceit and lies that she would speak. One mask uses a cloud over its head to denote the "clouded judgement" of Macbeth after 
his loss of control in Scotland, while another chose to place glitter on Lady Macbeth's face to show her femininity and represent how underneath the "pretty" is the "ugly".  

Board Games Galore!

The grade 7s are back at it working away on their board games! There are some amazing ideas out there. Some groups are having their games start in the Shire where Bilbo's adventure began, and then the players must move into Mirkwood, then to the Misty Mountains, or to the cave to fight Gollum with riddles, or get carried to the Carrock by the Eagles. Their imaginations with their games are endless and they seem excited to share their games with their peers when they're done. Some students are making their games similar to Trivial Pursuit where it's wits and brains to win the game, or like Monopoly where it's strategy and luck! I cannot wait to see the end results and play the games they worked so hard on. Keep it up, grade 7s!

Monday, 2 June 2014

"Board Games Are Boss" - Or So My Grade 7s Say

The grade 7s have been given an assignment for their novel, The Hobbit. They are in groups and creating a board game for their classmates to play. Their board games have to have a minimum of 25 questions relating to the novel, and must be true to the events and information from the book. They're hard at work trying to perfect the rules and come up with a seamless board game. When they're finished, we'll be playing the games in class and reviewing our peers' work. I look forward to seeing and playing their projects!

Masks and Mandalas! Oh My!

The students in ELA 20-1 are working on their masks and mandalas this week and they're looking fantastic! 

A Little Pilates Never Hurt Nobody...PE 9B

Our PE classes had a great time on May 30th learning all about Pilates from instructor Patty Johnston. The students learned very quickly that although Pilates may seem simple, it's definitely quite the workout!