Thursday 25 September 2014

Terry Fox

The Terry Fox run was a great success at KHS yesterday. As a school we raised over $4300 to go towards cancer research. Students were dressed in red and ready to walk, crawl, sprint, jog, or trot the course! It was a fantastic day with smiles, high-fives, laughs, and a great kick-off assembly in the gym followed by a solidarity lap around the track led by myself, Mrs. Harty-Blank and our leadership crew! Way to go, KHS! This is just one more reason why I'm so proud to call myself a Cavalier! 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Comma Use "RULES"!

The 7s have been hard at work on their first unit of the year, grammar! There are so many comma use rules within the English language, but we only focused on 9; attention, extra information, quotations, and adjectives just to name a few. The grade 7s will be punctuation pros in no time! 

...and as you can see, some boys were being productive at the classroom's "Help Center" and wanted to take a selfie to prove it! 

Friday 5 September 2014

The 9s Learn Imagery & the 20s Want You to Agree!

The first assignments of the year are just around the corner (Monday to be exact)! The grade 9s have been working on imagery; using effective verbs, the 5 senses, and figures of speech to enhance their writing. They've been turning their ordinary stories into a visual dream! We had a crash course in figures of speech which led us to an activity where we had to describe a room in a home and have a partner draw that room from the descriptive sentences in their story. It was awesome to see how a student's writing could come to life through a quick sketch! Our assignment will involve the students writing a momentous story from their childhood and re-creating it using descriptive language. I cannot wait to read their work!

The 20-1 class has been taking notes (and notes, and notes, and more they say) on thesis statements, effective introductory paragraphs, and persuasive writing techniques. Their assignment will have them choosing a topic for their persuasive essays. When they complete that task, they will be put into teams and we will have our own debate in class! Stay tuned!

Monday 1 September 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

The staff at KHS stepped up in a big way and participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. With our students cheering us on and the graduating class of 2015 with the buckets, us teachers got drenched for a good cause. I made a brief video beforehand to give some background information but I got a bit wordy (like a typical ELA teacher), so I had to cut it down to a reasonable rambling. Thank you to the staff at KHS, the students for being there with us, and of course, the class of 2015 for being so willing to soak us with buckets of water and ice; this just shows what us Cavaliers can do!

You can make your donation at 

Check out and share our YouTube video! Thanks for watching!